ASCII Serial Com
Serial communication library between computers, microcontrollers, FPGAs, etc. Uses only ASCII. Not the most efficient protocol, but meant to be easy to read
No Matches
ASCII Serial Com for the C Language

See main project repo at: ascii-serial-com

You may need to download and compile libopencm3:

git submodule update
cd tools/libopencm3/

and download and build AVR tools with:

cd tools/

Standard Usage

Expose a register interface for a device.

This interface contains an array of pointers, so that each message address points to an arbitrary address. Additionally, a write mask controls which bits of the pointed to words are writable.

You probably want to create the array of pointers like:

 #include "ascii_serial_com_register_pointers.h"

 #define NREGS 6
 REGTYPE * reg_pointers[NREGS] = {

 REGTYPE reg_write_masks[NREGS] = {


A set of convenience macros are provided to ease the common use of ascii_serial_com_register_pointers with ascii_serial_com_device.

To use the macros:

  1. Declare the register pointer and register write mask array as above
  2. Before the main() function, put DECLARE_ASC_DEVICE_W_REGISTER_POINTERS() on a line with no semicolon
  3. In the setup portion of main(), before the polling loop, inside a Try/Catch block, put: SETUP_ASC_DEVICE_W_REGISTER_POINTERS(reg_map,reg_write_masks, NREGS);, where the variables are declared as in the previous section.
  4. Inside the polling loop and a Try/Catch block, put: HANDLE_ASC_COMM_IN_POLLING_LOOP(1);, replacing 1 with the appropriate USART number.

Number 4 assumes something is putting received bytes into a circular_buffer_uint8 called extraInputBuffer (declared and setup by the macros). This can be accomplished using, for STM32, def_usart_isr_push_rx_to_circ_buf(<usart_isr>,USART1,&extraInputBuffer) (no semicolon)


The boolean valued macro READY_TO_STREAM_ASC_DEVICE_W_REGISTER_POINTERS should be checked before actually streaming a message. and STREAM_TO_HOST_ASC_DEVICE_W_REGISTER_POINTERS(data,data_len); should be run to send the message.

The macros define a bool streaming_is_on that is initialized to false, set to true when a "n" message is received, and set to false when a "f" message is received. It should be used to decide when to start auxiliary routines that prepare to stream messages.