ASCII Serial Com
Serial communication library between computers, microcontrollers, FPGAs, etc. Uses only ASCII. Not the most efficient protocol, but meant to be easy to read
No Matches
Macros | Functions
circular_buffer.c File Reference
#include "circular_buffer.h"
#include "asc_exception.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
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#define isPowerOfTwo(x)   ((x != 0) && ((x & (~x + 1)) == x))


void inc_iStart_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *buf)
void inc_iStop_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *buf)
void dec_iStart_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *buf)
void dec_iStop_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *buf)
void circular_buffer_init_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const size_t capacity, uint8_t *buffer)
 circular buffer init method
size_t circular_buffer_get_size_uint8 (const circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf)
 circular buffer get number of elements
bool circular_buffer_is_full_uint8 (const circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf)
 circular buffer get if full
bool circular_buffer_is_empty_uint8 (const circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf)
 circular buffer get if empty
void circular_buffer_print_uint8 (const circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, FILE *outfile, uint8_t verbosity)
 circular buffer print contents
uint8_t circular_buffer_get_element_uint8 (const circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const size_t iElement)
 circular buffer get element
void circular_buffer_push_front_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const uint8_t element)
 circular buffer push front
void circular_buffer_push_back_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const uint8_t element)
 circular buffer push back
uint8_t circular_buffer_pop_front_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf)
 circular buffer pop front
uint8_t circular_buffer_pop_back_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf)
 circular buffer pop back
void circular_buffer_remove_front_to_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const uint8_t value, const bool inclusive)
 circular buffer remove elements from front until you find the given value
void circular_buffer_remove_back_to_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const uint8_t value, const bool inclusive)
 circular buffer remove elements from back until you find the given value
size_t circular_buffer_find_first_uint8 (const circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const uint8_t value)
 circular buffer find index of first occurance of value
size_t circular_buffer_find_last_uint8 (const circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const uint8_t value)
 circular buffer find index of last occurance of value
size_t circular_buffer_count_uint8 (const circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const uint8_t value)
 circular buffer count the number of a given value
size_t circular_buffer_get_first_block_uint8 (const circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const uint8_t **outBlock)
 circular buffer get first block
size_t circular_buffer_delete_first_block_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf)
 circular buffer delete first block
void circular_buffer_push_back_block_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const uint8_t *source, size_t source_size)
 circular buffer push a block of memory on back
size_t circular_buffer_pop_front_block_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, uint8_t *destination, size_t dest_size)
 circular buffer pop from front into a block of memory
size_t circular_buffer_push_back_from_fd_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, int fd)
 circular buffer push back reading from file descriptor
size_t circular_buffer_pop_front_to_fd_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const int fd)
 circular buffer pop front writing to file descriptor
void circular_buffer_clear_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf)
 circular buffer clear
size_t circular_buffer_push_back_string_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const char *string)
 circular buffer push back string (null terminated)
size_t circular_buffer_remove_front_unfinished_frames_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, const char startChar, const char endChar)
 circular buffer remove unfinished frames from front of buffer
size_t circular_buffer_get_blocks_uint8 (circular_buffer_uint8 *circ_buf, size_t iStart, size_t nElem, uint8_t **blocks, size_t *blocks_sizes)
 circular buffer access raw blocks of data for a given range of elements

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ isPowerOfTwo

#define isPowerOfTwo ( x)    ((x != 0) && ((x & (~x + 1)) == x))

Definition at line 19 of file circular_buffer.c.

Function Documentation

◆ circular_buffer_clear_uint8()

void circular_buffer_clear_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf)

circular buffer clear

Resets the circular buffer to empty and starting from the beginning of the memory buffer

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct

Definition at line 364 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStart, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStop, and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

Referenced by circular_buffer_remove_front_unfinished_frames_uint8().

◆ circular_buffer_count_uint8()

size_t circular_buffer_count_uint8 ( const circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const uint8_t value )

circular buffer count the number of a given value

Counts the number of elements in the buffer that match the given value

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
valueis the value you want to find
the number of matches found

Definition at line 237 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_get_element_uint8(), and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

◆ circular_buffer_delete_first_block_uint8()

size_t circular_buffer_delete_first_block_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf)

circular buffer delete first block

Internally, the data may wrap around the end of the block of memory. This function deletes the memory block from the current start of the circular buffer up to the end of the memory block, or if the data doesn't wrap, up to the end of the data.

This can be used after circular_buffer_get_first_block_uint8 to "pop_front" a whole block of data at once.

See also
circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
size of the block deleted

Definition at line 261 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::capacity, circular_buffer_pop_front_uint8(), circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStart, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStop, and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

◆ circular_buffer_find_first_uint8()

size_t circular_buffer_find_first_uint8 ( const circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const uint8_t value )

circular buffer find index of first occurance of value

Finds the index of the first element with value equal to the given value. If the value is not found in the buffer, the return value will be >= the size of the buffer.

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
valueis the value you want to find
the index where the value can be found using circular_buffer_get_element_uint8, will be >= size if not found
See also

Definition at line 212 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_get_element_uint8(), and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

Referenced by ascii_serial_com_compute_checksum(), ascii_serial_com_get_message_from_input_buffer(), and circular_buffer_remove_front_unfinished_frames_uint8().

◆ circular_buffer_find_last_uint8()

size_t circular_buffer_find_last_uint8 ( const circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const uint8_t value )

circular buffer find index of last occurance of value

Finds the index of the last element with value equal to the given value. If the value is not found in the buffer, the return value will be >= the size of the buffer.

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
valueis the value you want to find
the index where the value can be found using circular_buffer_get_element_uint8, will be >= size if not found
See also

Definition at line 224 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_get_element_uint8(), and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

Referenced by ascii_serial_com_compute_checksum(), and circular_buffer_remove_front_unfinished_frames_uint8().

◆ circular_buffer_get_blocks_uint8()

size_t circular_buffer_get_blocks_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
size_t iStart,
size_t nElem,
uint8_t ** blocks,
size_t * blocks_sizes )

circular buffer access raw blocks of data for a given range of elements

Given a start element iStart, and a number of elements to access nElem, gives access to the raw memory block(s) that contain the elements. This may be a single block of memory or two, since the elements may wrap around the end of the underlying memory.

Example use:

uint8_t* blocks[2]; size_t blocks_sizes[2];

size_t nBlocks = circular_buffer_get_blocks_uint8(cb, 3, 5, blocks, blocks_sizes);

for(size_t iBlock=0; iBlock < nBlocks; iBlock++) { for(size_t iElem=0; iElem < blocks_sizes[iBlock]; iElem++) { uint8_t elem = blocks[iBlock][iElem]; } }

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
iStartthe first element of the block requested
nElemthe size of the block requested
blocksoutput array of pointers to blocks. User should allocate uint8_t* blocks[2];
blocks_sizesoutput array of size of blocks. User should allocate size_t blocks_sizes[2];
the number of memory blocks

Throws ASC_ERROR_CB_OOB if iStart + nElem is > size of buffer

Definition at line 428 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::buffer, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::capacity, circular_buffer_get_size_uint8(), and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStart.

Referenced by ascii_serial_com_compute_checksum().

◆ circular_buffer_get_element_uint8()

uint8_t circular_buffer_get_element_uint8 ( const circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const size_t iElement )

circular buffer get element

Use this for a buffer of unit8's.

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
iElementindexes the circular buffer. The element will be iElements back from the front of the circular buffer
the entry at iElement

May throw an asc_exception

Definition at line 126 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::buffer, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::capacity, circular_buffer_get_size_uint8(), and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStart.

Referenced by ascii_serial_com_get_message_from_input_buffer(), circular_buffer_count_uint8(), circular_buffer_find_first_uint8(), circular_buffer_find_last_uint8(), circular_buffer_print_uint8(), circular_buffer_remove_back_to_uint8(), circular_buffer_remove_front_to_uint8(), and circular_buffer_remove_front_unfinished_frames_uint8().

◆ circular_buffer_get_first_block_uint8()

size_t circular_buffer_get_first_block_uint8 ( const circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const uint8_t ** outBlock )

circular buffer get first block

Internally, the data may wrap around the end of the block of memory. This function gives you access to the memory block up to the end of the memory block, or if the data doesn't wrap, up to the end of the data.

This can be used followed by circular_buffer_delete_first_block_uint8 to "pop_front" a whole block of data at once.

See also
circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
outBlockis a pointer to the start of the block of memory
size of the block pointed to by outBlock

Definition at line 250 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::buffer, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::capacity, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStart, and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

◆ circular_buffer_get_size_uint8()

size_t circular_buffer_get_size_uint8 ( const circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf)

circular buffer get number of elements

circular buffer get number of elements Use this for a buffer of unit8's.

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
the number of elements in the buffer

Definition at line 60 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

Referenced by ascii_serial_com_compute_checksum(), ascii_serial_com_get_message_from_input_buffer(), circular_buffer_get_blocks_uint8(), circular_buffer_get_element_uint8(), circular_buffer_is_empty_uint8(), and circular_buffer_is_full_uint8().

◆ circular_buffer_init_uint8()

void circular_buffer_init_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const size_t capacity,
uint8_t * buffer )

circular buffer init method

Initialize circular buffer THE BUFFER MUST BE SMALLER THAN (< not <=) SIZE_T ON THE PLATFORM Use this for a buffer of unit8's.

May throw an asc_exception

circ_bufis a pointer to an uninitialized circular buffer struct
capacityis the length of buffer (uint8_t array). It must be a power of 2! If it's not, a asc_exception ASC_ERROR_CB_BAD_CAPACITY will be raised.
bufferis a pointer to the buffer (uint8_t array), which must be pre-allocated

Definition at line 45 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::buffer, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::capacity, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStart, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStop, and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

Referenced by ascii_serial_com_init().

◆ circular_buffer_is_empty_uint8()

bool circular_buffer_is_empty_uint8 ( const circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf)

circular buffer get if empty

Use this for a buffer of unit8's.

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
true if the buffer is empty

Definition at line 68 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_get_size_uint8().

Referenced by circular_buffer_io_fd_poll_do_poll().

◆ circular_buffer_is_full_uint8()

bool circular_buffer_is_full_uint8 ( const circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf)

circular buffer get if full

Use this for a buffer of unit8's.

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
true true if the buffer is full

Definition at line 64 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::capacity, and circular_buffer_get_size_uint8().

◆ circular_buffer_pop_back_uint8()

uint8_t circular_buffer_pop_back_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf)

circular buffer pop back

Pops an element off of the back of the buffer, both removing it and returning it. User's responsibility to first check if the buffer is empty. Use this for a buffer of unit8's.

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
the element to be popped off the back of the buffer

Definition at line 169 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::buffer, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStop, and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

Referenced by circular_buffer_remove_back_to_uint8().

◆ circular_buffer_pop_front_block_uint8()

size_t circular_buffer_pop_front_block_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
uint8_t * destination,
size_t dest_size )

circular buffer pop from front into a block of memory

Pops elements from front into a block of memory

Won't pop all elements if circular buffer wraps around it's internal memory or there isn't enough source size

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
destinationis the start of the destination memory block
source_sizeis the size of the destination memory block
total number of elements popped from buffer (and written to block)

Definition at line 285 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::buffer, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::capacity, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStart, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStop, and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

◆ circular_buffer_pop_front_to_fd_uint8()

size_t circular_buffer_pop_front_to_fd_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const int fd )

circular buffer pop front writing to file descriptor

Calls POSIX write once from the circular buffer

Won't necessarily empty the buffer, even if the file is available for writing

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
total number of elements popped from buffer (and written to file)

Definition at line 338 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::buffer, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::capacity, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStart, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStop, and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

Referenced by circular_buffer_io_fd_poll_do_output().

◆ circular_buffer_pop_front_uint8()

uint8_t circular_buffer_pop_front_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf)

circular buffer pop front

Pops an element off of the front of the buffer, both removing it and returning it. User's responsibility to first check if the buffer is empty. Use this for a buffer of unit8's.

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
element the element popped off the front of the buffer

Definition at line 159 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::buffer, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStart, and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

Referenced by ascii_serial_com_get_message_from_input_buffer(), circular_buffer_delete_first_block_uint8(), circular_buffer_remove_front_to_uint8(), and circular_buffer_remove_front_unfinished_frames_uint8().

◆ circular_buffer_print_uint8()

void circular_buffer_print_uint8 ( const circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
FILE * outfile,
uint8_t verbosity )

circular buffer print contents

Use this for debugging

outfile is usually stderr or stdout

verbosity is from 0 to 4 with greater increasing verbosity

Definition at line 73 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::buffer, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::capacity, circular_buffer_get_element_uint8(), circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStart, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStop, and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

◆ circular_buffer_push_back_block_uint8()

void circular_buffer_push_back_block_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const uint8_t * source,
size_t source_size )

circular buffer push a block of memory on back

Pushes a block of memory onto back

Will wrap around and overrite front if buffer gets full

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
sourceis the start of the source memory block
source_sizeis the size of the source memory block

Definition at line 277 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_push_back_uint8().

◆ circular_buffer_push_back_from_fd_uint8()

size_t circular_buffer_push_back_from_fd_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const int fd )

circular buffer push back reading from file descriptor

Calls POSIX read once into the circular buffer

Doesn't overwrite the front of the buffer like the normal push_back does. Stops when full.

Won't necessarily fill up the buffer, even if there are bytes to read

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
total number of elements pushed onto buffer (and read from file)

Definition at line 310 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::buffer, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::capacity, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStart, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStop, and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

Referenced by circular_buffer_io_fd_poll_do_input().

◆ circular_buffer_push_back_string_uint8()

size_t circular_buffer_push_back_string_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const char * string )

circular buffer push back string (null terminated)

Pushes null terminated string onto buffer (without pushing the null)


circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
stringnull terminated string like a string literal
total number of elements pushed onto buffer

Definition at line 370 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_push_back_uint8().

◆ circular_buffer_push_back_uint8()

void circular_buffer_push_back_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const uint8_t element )

circular buffer push back

Pushes the given element onto the back of the buffer, making it the new back element. Use this for a buffer of unit8's.

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
elementthe element to be pushed onto the back of the buffer

Definition at line 148 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::buffer, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::capacity, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStop, and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

Referenced by ascii_serial_com_put_message_in_output_buffer(), circular_buffer_push_back_block_uint8(), and circular_buffer_push_back_string_uint8().

◆ circular_buffer_push_front_uint8()

void circular_buffer_push_front_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const uint8_t element )

circular buffer push front

Pushes the given element onto the front of the buffer, making it the new front element. Use this for a buffer of unit8's.

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
elementthe element to be pushed onto the front of the buffer

Definition at line 137 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_uint8_struct::buffer, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::capacity, circular_buffer_uint8_struct::iStart, and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

◆ circular_buffer_remove_back_to_uint8()

void circular_buffer_remove_back_to_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const uint8_t value,
const bool inclusive )

circular buffer remove elements from back until you find the given value

Remove elements from the back of the buffer until the given value is found. If the value isn't in the buffer, will empty the buffer.

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
valueis the value you want to remove the back of the buffer up to.
inclusiveif true, then remove the given value, otherwise all after the given value

Definition at line 195 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_get_element_uint8(), circular_buffer_pop_back_uint8(), and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

◆ circular_buffer_remove_front_to_uint8()

void circular_buffer_remove_front_to_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const uint8_t value,
const bool inclusive )

circular buffer remove elements from front until you find the given value

Remove elements from the front of the buffer until the given value is found. If the value isn't in the buffer, will empty the buffer.

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
valueis the value you want to remove the front of the buffer up to.
inclusiveif true, then remove the given value, otherwise all before the given value

Definition at line 179 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_get_element_uint8(), circular_buffer_pop_front_uint8(), and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

◆ circular_buffer_remove_front_unfinished_frames_uint8()

size_t circular_buffer_remove_front_unfinished_frames_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * circ_buf,
const char startChar,
const char endChar )

circular buffer remove unfinished frames from front of buffer

Removes from the front of the buffer any frames that haven't ended before an ended frame. If the buffer just contains an unfinished frame (e.g. that hasn't finished reading in yet), that isn't removed.

More concretely: The first endChar is found. Any elements before the startChar preceding endChar are removed. If the endChar isn't found, any elements before the last startChar are removed. If no startChar is found either, the buffer is cleared.

Additionally, if endChar is front or there is no startChar before the first endChar, everything up to and including endChar is deleted and the function is recursed.

circ_bufis a pointer to an initialized circular buffer struct
startChardesignates the start of frames
endChardesignates the end of frames
the number of elements removed

Definition at line 385 of file circular_buffer.c.

References circular_buffer_clear_uint8(), circular_buffer_find_first_uint8(), circular_buffer_find_last_uint8(), circular_buffer_get_element_uint8(), circular_buffer_pop_front_uint8(), circular_buffer_remove_front_unfinished_frames_uint8(), and circular_buffer_uint8_struct::size.

Referenced by ascii_serial_com_get_message_from_input_buffer(), and circular_buffer_remove_front_unfinished_frames_uint8().

◆ dec_iStart_uint8()

void dec_iStart_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * buf)

Definition at line 29 of file circular_buffer.c.

◆ dec_iStop_uint8()

void dec_iStop_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * buf)

Definition at line 37 of file circular_buffer.c.

◆ inc_iStart_uint8()

void inc_iStart_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * buf)

Definition at line 21 of file circular_buffer.c.

◆ inc_iStop_uint8()

void inc_iStop_uint8 ( circular_buffer_uint8 * buf)

Definition at line 25 of file circular_buffer.c.